Travis John (00:01.349) Welcome back to another episode of the Real World Assets Show. Today we have a special guest. We have Adam Mazzocchetti from QORRA and their Insured Protection for the Digital Age, bringing consumer protection as well as additional transparency to projects as well as everybody on the blockchain. Adam, welcome to the show. Adam Mazzocchetti (00:20.738) Yeah, thank you for having me Travis and always a pleasure to be a guest on these amazing podcasts especially talking about important topics such as real -world assets and providing protection. Travis John (00:33.199) Yeah, absolutely. I know that we met on a couple different Twitter spaces or X spaces and talking, just geeking out on RWAs and everything, blockchain, kind of the future of finance. And really we hit it off on a lot of different conversations. So I think one of the things I just wanted to understand first, you usually start off with a typical podcast scenario is, Adam, what got you into this? I what was kind of the precipitous moving into this whole kind of blockchain world full -time and this type of project. Adam Mazzocchetti (01:06.648) Yeah, so I was, you in my previous life I was actually a chef, an executive chef and I just have enough, put the tools down and I wanted to learn something new. And so I stepped into the space of crypto, I said I want to buy Bitcoin and my fundamental thing is how do I get my money out and how do I keep it safe? And as I started to explore, I started to realize that this is an exciting space but there's a lot of gaps in there. And as I evolved through and got back in there, it about early 2017 and as it transitioned through the whole ICO era and stuff I started to see people getting scammed and hustled and I I succumbed to a ton of them as well great marketing, slick marketing and the whole thing. Fast forward to 2019 we started to see the DeFi boom and we saw a lot of rugs, a lot of scams, a lot of exploits where we were seeing in excess of $90 - $100 million a day being exploited regardless of having you know, an audit badge over it became a meme almost. I've got an audit, but it does nothing for me. I'm still going to be exploited. And so as I started to evolve that, thought, wait a minute, what is missing here? And the fundamentals that were missing is insurance and insurance protection over that. So insurance against that liability loss. So because there was nothing available that really substantiated what I conceived as insurance. And as we evolved and we started to look at the model of saying D5 is a little bit and was a little bit tricky to navigate. And fast forwarding when I was living in Dubai and Italy and I saw an article about things in 21 or 22 that that had collateralized NFTs. And I thought, well, if they could collateralize NFTs as a loan, then they can ensure that because it becomes a technical asset, right? And so that's when it evolved and we started to go further down the rabbit warren and doing deeper research. as we've done for the last couple of years and we realize that there's a massive market that is missing out on the opportunity to have further protection because it doesn't matter how much due diligence you do yourself or do your own research, you're still left with a massive liability. mean, the amount of money that's been lost and stolen and hustled is in mega billions now. I can't remember the number. The last count was Adam Mazzocchetti (03:27.406) 15 -20 billion and just in the NFT space alone was a billion or one and half billion and that's just ridiculous. That's unrecoverable funds and so that's where the concept of QORRA came about. Travis John (03:43.259) Yeah, and it's exciting to hear about the development of QORRA. And as you know, we're early in the industry. And a lot of feedback from a lot of the founders I talked to, particularly in RWA, many times are coming from a different industry, or in some cases, they've been in tech. But a very common theme is that they discovered Bitcoin. Many times they've discovered crypto kind of early on in the 2016, 2017 era. And they've just been constantly curious about where it's going, what's happening, and really keeping their finger on the pulse. And as you mentioned, for most of the time, it's because we've all experienced something negative across our path of crypto. like you said, whether it's the do your own research mantra or you're on your own kind of stuff, obviously, for all of us to have the real world adoption instead of real world just assets and bring people on chain, it is the future. The digital economy is, you know, we don't have to convince anyone on this call or anyone on my channel that that's the future, but there is and there are multiple ways to improve our path on chain and protect ourselves. So, yeah, tell us a little bit about QORRA and how this kind of this idea came about and, you know, how this insurance protection works. Adam Mazzocchetti (05:06.178) Yeah, you know, in quick summary, know, QORRA, the name, as you pronounce it in Italian, my heritage is Italian. in Italian, QORRA means heart, or we say core, heart. For us, it's about keeping things close to your heart, safe. And so, again, it's about safety and security. And, you know, it's close to my heart. My background is in cyber security and behavioral psychology. So I'm constantly evolving and looking at what people are trying to do in ways that are hustling and scamming and stuff. And so we're about making that, just the landscape, a lot more adaptable. the amount of conversations and panels that I sit on, the key thread is we can have all these great ideas and we can be all these builders and we're all in a room together, high -fiving each other. But the thing is, unless we make the space safe and transitionally secured, people are not gonna come on board and not gonna jump in. And so that's what we're trying to solve. That's what QORRA's about, making this space. available to everybody, to the masses to say, okay, I feel safe, to the point where regulators are saying, it's okay, you know, this is certified by QORRA or another organization, but we're clearing out the path. We're getting rid of the hustlers and the wild west, so you're not walking out in the ghetto, so to speak, and hoping to survive. You're gonna actually be safe. You're gonna get in and out comfortably. Travis John (06:30.021) Right. And so walk me through this a little bit. I know, obviously, I'm pretty knowledgeable what you're building and I love the name and the backstory there. That's really super cool. I guess to start off with, just to your point, I think one of the biggest things is even in this current cycle as we're talking, you hear a lot of people on X timeline and stuff like that saying, where's retail? Where's retail? Well, a lot of retail is not coming back because they got burned. in 2021, et cetera. And to your point, there needs to be a better way. So what happens with, let's start with the consumer and really where that big mover is of protecting consumer. What are things QORRA is doing? What are some of the things you've built so far and tested that are providing this insurance, providing this level of protection for consumers? Adam Mazzocchetti (07:20.514) Yes, so one of the things that we do and it's sort of come out as an evolution is starting off with our Rug Proof Certification badge which is insurance backed and what we're doing is we're going through the projects, we're starting at the granular level of the projects and saying okay, what is this project doing? doing the background, KYC, checking the audit code, checking the team, checking out their financials, checking out all their particulars to see what's their history, what have they done, almost creating a credit score rating for them and then certifying them on that badge. So that's giving consumer protection to say in the event that they do fall over and they do scam or they do rubs or do anything like that, there is an insurance liability to be able to claim against. And further to that, we're also the promoters, the promoters, the marketers, the agencies that are actually you know sharing these projects out there because we only know about stuff by advertising and so then we're okay we're providing that and that rug proof certification over these marketers all these coals all these promoters and so we're just trying to really depth out the space there to hey we want to make sure that everything you touch in that space in that project so if you look at it it's like you don't have to second guess and say okay yeah it's QORRA certified I'm okay with that insurance backing on that. In addition onto that, once the project has gone through, we also have the ability to take on the capacity to ensure the actual certificates, the digital certificates, you're attaining. it's an NFT of an artwork or if it's the tokenized digital certificate of a real world asset, because it's likened to a bearer bond where I use the example, you know, in the early days you just go to the nightclub and drop off your coat and you get a little cloakroom chip. And if you lost that ticket, You had no way to confirm that it was actually your code. And so you kind of lost your thing. Well in this digital space, in the crypto space, in the blockchain space, if you lose that, as we know, you lose your keys, you lose your certificate, you're gone, it's not coming back. So we want to be able to mitigate against that, again, creating an extra layer. So even though you found a project that you trust and is QORRA certified, then you come in now and say, okay, I'm buying this NFT. And I want an extra protection against Adam Mazzocchetti (09:35.638) in the event that I lose it or something happens, we also provide that service. Travis John (09:41.219) Yeah, I that's exciting because as you mentioned, not only are there's a strong need to vet projects, you and you lived in the United States for some years too, but you know, the United States, there's the Better Business Bureau, you know, a type of thing where they vet companies and they go through, you know, somewhat rigorous process and companies pay a fee, they go through it. It's a very... standardized process and it's something that millions and millions of businesses have participated in this. So the concept is not new in the sense of how it works. Bringing a Web 2 idea to Web 3 and improving it is what I see is happening here in the sense of the rug -proof certification. And obviously, 90 % of businesses fail anyway, but it doesn't mean that they should be rugging people. And we know in Web 2, just standard economy, the Better Business Bureau is even just having that alone, going through that process, similar to what we're talking about with QORRA, is already a badge of protection because people know if a company has already gone through Better Business Bureau, they've shown some initiative, if you will, to be recognized as reputable and recognized as providing something of value. So I think that's just one kind of correlation I see to what you're doing and how it kind of correlates to the United States. And I think there's a very clear path for people to submit disputes for Better Business Bureau. So ultimately, I see a lot of how QORRA applies to Web3, particularly because it's Wild Wild West now and it is a way for you to come in, create a network effect of protection. You're able to certify projects. whether it's influencers, all kinds of things. So whether it's a project that's selling artwork, or like you mentioned, or if it's a real estate project, you're then not only just able to verify that that project is legitimate, but then you're ultimately able to ensure those certificates, whether that be artwork or a fractional real estate share, that you're able to then go deeper and be able to verify that and even ensure it upon loss. Did I understand that correctly? Okay. Adam Mazzocchetti (12:02.86) Yeah, yeah, that's exactly correct. Travis John (12:04.751) Wow, all right, nice. mean, all know that insurance is a big part. mean, whether people like paying for insurance or not, it only takes one event to teach you the lesson of why insurance is quite important for all of us and whatever aspect that is. And as much as people are investing in Web3 right now, combined with the fact everything is going to be tokenized. Much of real estate will be tokenized in the next few decades. Any very expensive collectibles, etc. So it's not unheard of that someone's net worth will be literally sitting in a wallet, in a digital wallet in the future. It's very, very, in my opinion, think it's inevitable. Adam Mazzocchetti (13:00.162) Yeah, absolutely. It's definitely going to move to that transitional space. And it's like, we might not even realize what's happening or the magnitude of what's happening or how it's happening. Like in the background, the mechanics that are happening in the background. It's like, go to our bank, right? We don't care what the bank's doing behind the background. All we know is we look at our app or we go to the ATM and we want to know that our money's there and we can pull it out and we can spend it and do that. But behind it, there's a lot of mechanics going on. It's the same thing's going to happen where Assets are being transferred into interacting and stuff like that. And yes, our houses or assets that we own are all going to be digitally certified or digitally on chain, whatever you want to call it. We're actually looking, they're going to be digitized. And those digitizations are great and makes it convenient, but also opens up for lots of liabilities. so protecting against that and where's that safety and security and that sort of transition. So we sort of sit in there holding the hand and then bringing And you're right, it's like the Better Business Bureau. It's kind of saying, hey, how do we vet these projects to say they're legitimate, but also too to help and assist the regulators because the regulators are trying to sit there and figuring out how do we make our consumers safer, right, and protect it against the event of being scammed and played and hustled. And as sad as it is, you know, they're writing what they're saying because it's happening hand over foot. Like you can just, you know, go through X profile, can look at LinkedIn, you can look at everywhere. And there's a litany of just, you know, projects or people getting scammed or stories and stuff. And it's like, well, there's our case. so trying to solve that and you want to onboard all these additional projects, you know, or real estate or tokenized real estate and bring it all on chain. It's really, you know, there's this push point, regardless of whether we classify them as security or unregistered securities, it's still a fundamental There's still fundamental risks associated with that and that's what we're trying to seek to mitigate and assist in evolving the space as best as we can. It's not just us alone, we want more people to try and help to solve this problem because it's a large task. Travis John (15:12.939) You're right. mean, this is definitely a very big project. And as we've talked about even offline, that it's, you the network effects required to bring on the network of projects and to continue that to grow, you know, by word of mouth, by marketing, etc. is, you know, one at a time. you're getting that rug -proof certification in place one... project one person at a time and you know, obviously it takes time and every just going back to the Better Business Bureau, I mean, they started off with their first company, you know, it is very achievable and you're early. So this is even though this is a big aspiration, it's very achievable because you're getting ahead of this well before anyone else is doing it or talking about it, which is great because it's naturally the next step in evolution of our industry It's the only way that we're going to legitimize things overall. And like you mentioned, what just overall getting new people on board and being comfortable with the risks and minimizing the risk ultimately is what QORRA is doing. Adam Mazzocchetti (16:27.5) Yeah, yeah, absolutely. also too, as I said, I was at a conference last night or a talk last night on the panel discussing and it was, the fundamentals was, you know, projects, yes, you know, the marketing, yes, but then we got down to the point of the person, peer to peer, you know, the individual like buying through it. And I use the example of like Facebook marketplace, you know, who am I buying it off? Is it legitimized? How is it verified? I mean, you know, there's all war stories of everybody going, yeah, I walked out with a car in the mill. in a box and I thought I was buying something or somebody else selling a device that's really worth $3 ,000 but they're selling it for half price of 50 % off but it's brand new in the box and it's like sure that doesn't look dodgy or scammy at all, absolutely not. And so you're creating this thing and it's like well wait a minute, why don't we look even to the point where I see the vision and the future of individuals being QORRA certified. Travis, you're QORRA certified and Adam's QORRA certified. Hey, we can trade between each other and there's that protection layer over because we're operating in this space. And it goes down to the point where it transitions from web three into web two, where it's like your phone company or your bank that's requiring a certain amount of ID. Like in Australia, we have 100 points of identification where it's like, okay, you've already got your wallet, your crypto wallet or Web 3 wallet or your Web 3 identification, which is then also you've been certified. So you've done your background checking and stuff and then that's been satisfied. And it's like, okay, cool. No need to do any more. Like we've started to roll that out in Australia at the moment, the digital ID, national digital ID program, right? And so it's kind of, it's a one ID sort of thing, but it's still, you know, there's still gaps in between. it's like the same thing. We're still into trading. I'm still sending. crypto to somebody else or somebody just sending to me or I'm buying something, you know, maybe it's through an exchange, but it's still peer to peer transaction and the same with the DeFi transactions. I'm borrowing money off you, you're lending to me, vice versa. Yes, we're using platforms at the moment, but eventually it's going to become just, you know, peer to peer through our phone. Again, how do I trust you? How do you trust me? And I see that vision and that future where even the individual has a rug proof certification badge over themselves and saying, Adam Mazzocchetti (18:49.438) I'm operating in this space and I live in this space, I live in this world. I protect my data and my space and everything else with that and this is it. This is my badge to certify to say that I've gone the extra mile to say I want to be a reputable person operating in this space because I don't think, I mean we say businesses need that, that's fine, but it's also, it's really the individual that causes the majority of the problems as well. So it's kind of this whole vicious cycle. keep that pipeline tight and clean, we can then say to the regulators to say, this is what we've done and this is what we're doing and we're working closely with the regulators in Australia, the securities regulators in Australia to try and find out good solutions that we could roll out globally because that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to understand the patterns of their citizens that they're protecting and the businesses they're operating with and it's like, okay, it's a nice, clean, clean pipeline that's and they don't need to investigate or do too much more digging and it's just surface level. It's like, great, that's it. I feel comfortable. We're all in a safe ecosystem with not too much touch points. Travis John (20:00.66) Yeah, I agree. Again, this digital reputation, having a quality reputation, this goes back to eBay. eBay is a perfect example. From the beginning of time, it's quite important and it's quite valuable if you have a good reputation score on eBay because a lot of people do dodgy things, as you mentioned. That's one reason why Facebook Marketplace, which is a great example, because they don't really any tie to a reputation. You can spin up things and then you're kind of making a judgment call of if it's dodgy or not. eBay, well before Facebook Marketplace, which is kind of crazy to think about it, but eBay solved this problem, not solved it, but they were addressing this problem 15 years before Facebook Marketplace was even popular, but they've just completely avoided it. Facebook Marketplace completely avoided it. And it is a problem because it cause for a lot of people to get harmed in transactions they're trying to do. I some things on Facebook Marketplace can be expensive. mean, sometimes the risk is lower because maybe the cost of what you're purchasing is lower, but regardless, you shouldn't be scammed. And I think that's where this online and digital reputation will obviously, it's going to win out. Again, it's a proven model. You're just building upon better systems that already exist and people already want. And you're right. The future is all peer to peer. mean, it's converting trust or lack of trust into truth. So those are the smart contracts. Those are all the things you're doing where ultimately peer to peer in the future, some things that are digitally native are just essentially smart contract. mean, it really almost doesn't matter if a person is reputable or not, depending on what, if it's digitally native, because then there'll be a smart contract where there's essentially a middleware and you you both agree and... and there's a middleware smart contract that solves that problem. But what we're talking about is you're continuing to grow this, build this out. And as we're seeing, what's shifted is this whole RWA narrative and so many things that are not digitally native that are now being represented on chain. And what does that mean for peer -to -peer transactions? And I think that's where digital reputation really kind of rears its head here quite a Adam Mazzocchetti (22:24.77) Yeah, absolutely. I said, this is sort of just popped up, you know, last night and evolution. It's like, yeah, it is. It's that like, yeah, we have all the technology and we solving that problem there by providing that insurance protection over that. And to the project to say it's the project legitimize. Well, that's that's the project. But then it breaks it down to, you know, we say the individual because we're saying marketers, right? Promoters and marketers. Well, that's an individual. Well, then what about the person as well? Because it's the person trading between a case. So we've got coverage and protection and sort of reassurance over the platforms, the protocols, right, the smart contracts to make sure the code is good and everything's operational and there's a background check and everything's supported there. But what about the individual? And exactly, it's that whole pipeline, because it is peer -to -peer. And it's going, hmm, you're going to do this to me and we know you do a transaction on chain. It's irreversible, right? It's like almost impossible. to get your money back and even you could see it to say, I can see what they've done with it and they've taken it all along, but I got scammed, I got played, right? And then it starts to create this whole effect. And going back to the real world assets that are association, it's like back in the 1800s, someone successfully sold the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal, right? After the Olympics was finished, clearly it wasn't for sale, but convinced somebody to buy it. So what's the stop that same situation, that same, so the project was so solving the project problem there, but then it's like, where's the asset living, right? You know, is the asset legitimized and verified and we're still trying to solve that problem. And I think, you know, Materium is doing a great job in that. Like it's another project that's actually dealing with the real world asset and trying to diluted that with true legal context. So that's really helpful sort of process and platform, but you know, there was still gaps in that. but then it's the individual, the individual dealing with the individual, same thing, it's like that whole pipeline through, because it is, it's just saying, again, that eBay credit score going, wait a minute, reputation score, yep, I'm buying this, and we know that eBay's secure, it's fine, we're happy with eBay's process, and then there's the refund policies through PayPal, you know, that it's certified, it's covered and all that, that's great, but it's just, again, it just brings people's comfort levels down. Adam Mazzocchetti (24:47.694) And when their comfort levels are down, they're happy to jump in and step into the space and say, hey, to the point where, you know, I envisage a future where, you know, you've got your house and you say, I'm to collateralize my house. I'm going to put my house up on chain to earn some money against that. And somebody else has got capital, they've got crypto capital, and they're to put it together and we're going to create a pool of fund and we're going to lend that out peer to peer. know, somebody else is going to manage that and they're going to peer to peer run it through, right? So someone's custodian, someone's holding the capital. fine. But now it's like, who am I borrowing it off? That's the first question you ask. It's like, am I borrowing it off a loan shark? Right? Or am I borrowing it off somebody that's reputable? Okay, the platform's reputable. Okay, who are the people behind the platform? You know, are they reputable as well? And so forth. And it just, the depth just doesn't end. It's on your legs. You keep peeling back, peeling back, peeling back. And so then when we come to the problem of something's gone, fallen over, where was the due diligence done? You know, was the due diligence done? surface level or all the way through and it's kind of going hmm yeah I feel comfortable exactly you buy somebody that's got a know a super score on eBay the reputation score it's like yeah or Martha plays the same thing I think the supposed solution to it really go by is how many reviews have they got you know have they got good reviews exactly like that and it's it's still thinking it's like let's not everybody we're time poor Travis John (26:05.626) Right. Adam Mazzocchetti (26:12.28) We don't have time to read through reviews and see if the reviews are legitimate or not. Is they being propped up? Because again, we can hustle through that. It's like, just want to be able look and go, yep, I'm comfortable with that. It's good. It's got the badge. It's got a tick. It's got a badge. It's good. Or it's there. There's something that's certified and say, yep, that's good. Travis John (26:24.719) Yeah. Travis John (26:34.491) That's a good way to put it, I agree, because time poor is a good example. Time is the most important thing we all have now. And like you mentioned, you don't want to crawl through 500 reviews or 12 reviews or 30 reviews every time you want to participate in anything. So that's a great point. And I think it's maybe a good transition to kind talk about your process. Like for a project, for example, coming through... What does this look like? What does a vetting process look like? I you don't have to go super granular, but in general, what does it look like? How would somebody get involved? And what does insurance aspect look like? Is it some kind of umbrella insurance? where does that of come in to the process? Adam Mazzocchetti (27:20.12) Yep, yep, yep, yeah, yeah, excellent questions. So, you know, the simple process of what's involved in the vetting, I liken it to this way. It's like if you're gonna get your project listed as an IPO, right? The requirements for the regulator requirements, you know, are quite stringent and quite detailed. It's to that level, you know, this is in the base sales. So we wanna know that code's good, we wanna know the team's right, we wanna know the project's legitimate, we wanna understand your socials, we wanna understand all these background checks to make sure. If we're putting our badge on there, you're certified. So it's quite detailed. But we've also got a streamlined process of doing that. Able to achieving that, it's just simple. We have an application on our website. You fill out the application form. The process is there. Pay your application fee and your application is processed. depending on the backlog that we've got at the moment, we're getting two applications within just under a week. we're getting a lot more inquiries so that might increase and we're sort of scaling up the team to able to facilitate that and also using automated tools because we just need to because we need to either it fast because people are needing that and it's also you need to evolve with the times. It's like you can't just have anything all manual because that sort of defeats the purpose of technological evolution. So where's the insurance come into it was the other question you had in there. So what happens is we provide that certification over and there's an insurance backing on there's a liability insurance behind that badge as a base level of saying, okay, this project is certified and we're saying, and we're liken it to like, you know, a boat, you get an inspector out to say the boat's seaworthy, right? He said, yeah, it's seaworthy, the boat's gone out to sea and it sinks, right? The inspector can now be sued, right? So there's a liability against that. So we provide that insurance over that certification to say, hey, We're actually certified this project. We've done our due diligence. We're backing our badge with our insurance. Further on from that is then when we start to take capacity on the actual project and the individual assets. So depending on the projects, they might say, we want to bulk in the price into our ticket sales. So we're going to have sale of 1 ,000 tickets at X amount. And we say, no worries. This is the agreed price. And Adam Mazzocchetti (29:37.806) will charge you a percentage per the thing and will bulk that in and that comes automatically bulked into the customer. Now, in the example of a project where was selling the ticket price was 1500 but the value, true value is about three, three and a half thousand just depending on the asset what it was. What's like, you've got a base level coverage, it's like when you get your standard warranty on buying something, you get your base warranty and then you're pay for your extended warranty. Well, that's there, that's the extended warranty, the insurance protection. you pay for the additional coverage over your asset there. And then that's a lot more involved and that's that we understand the projects. we've taken the project on, we understand the asset there. Then it comes down to the increased value. Okay, are you using a hot wallet? Are you using a cold wallet? Are you using one of our systems or are you using your own system? Obviously, depending on the complexities, the volume, the amount, and the mechanics around where you're storing it and what you're doing with it. to determine the risk association and that's something we sit there with actuary and work out what is the best risk association it's like anything you take a policy out on something and if it's high risk you're going to be a higher premium lower risk lower premium you know it's all about risk reward ratio and this is what we have to assess but the primary part is starting with the certification Travis John (30:46.81) Yeah. Travis John (31:01.689) Yeah, that's good. Yeah, it's a very common insurance process of weighting risk. And risk has a direct impact on price. Or even if you get approved or not, obviously, which is another aspect. That's exciting. So what other processes we want to walk through, even from a consumer side, they have the ability to secure their digital assets, if that's, understand that correctly. So you have a UI. even built for that currently where some people can do that for certain assets, believe, correct? that Adam Mazzocchetti (31:36.28) Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. So what would happen is you would come to our platform, right, which is the applications in beta at the moment, quite a lot of rigging testing because we're looking at different chains to support as well. So what you do is you connect to what you come through into the application. From there, you have your assets and then you upload your assets. We take custodial of those original. So what happens is we take the original asset to there and then we create a digital clone of that, a digital copy of that certified copy. sits on chain with the ID and through the project so they know that it's legitimized and in the event that that's stolen you've got that's a replaceable thing and you can trade and transfer that as well and the original is also sitting in a custodian vault which is insured as well so there's deeper layers there's multiple layers of insurance protection over your asset to make sure that it's secured all the way through So yes, and that process is we just made it very simple three easy steps, you know click connect and pay and and on ongoing and in the event you Transfer the asset to somebody else who say okay. I want to offload this asset I want to sell it to somebody else well then what would happen is that your ownership would be blacklisted and The new owner would be listed on there now. How do we? You know identify well the system is quite simple It's quite complex, but in the sense is that you interact with it. So now I've sold you a token or NFT Travis and you go to interact with that. It will block you to say you need to come to the core platform to re verify yourself, do your KYC and do all your details and stuff, your verification, because you won't be able to pull out the original out of the vault. And so you have to come and do all your thing. And then once you've done that, you can transfer it. me that I've soldered to you automatically, my access has been cut off so I can't recoup that, can't do a re -entrancy on that or anything else like that. yeah, there's a lot of safeguards in place to make sure that it's super secure and super safe. Travis John (33:41.433) Yeah, I really recommend everyone watching this and listening to this to check out your demo there on your homepage. I that's exciting. Like you said, I know it's in beta right now, but that's an exciting aspect of just a peek into what you're building, what you're doing, and your vision of just onboarding the users, the future users of Web3, the current users of Web3, protecting them, and obviously getting those rails set up for projects. all the way down, so whether it's people coming onboarding on the front end or projects that ultimately will be onboarding people on the reverse way and ensuring those certificates, ensuring the projects. it's very exciting what you're doing and I was excited to have you on the show because I knew as we continue to talk on the different spaces we've been on, really enjoyed your takes on things and your vision of the future and kind of where you are now and where you plan to go with this. So anything else you want to share just as we're kind of wrapping up Adam Mazzocchetti (34:44.634) Look, I just want to say, you know, I think it's fundamental to really drive the message home, you know, collectively. I mean, yes, we're providing the service and we're there to try and help the space grow, but it's all about, you know, consumer awareness to saying, hey, you know what, it's unless the community gets behind to say, we want this, we need this. And it's clearly there. I mean, we talk about people mean coins and this and all that, and, you know, everyone's trying to make money and investing in projects and stuff. But in the day, it's If you're not thinking about consumer protection, we're just gambling. And so trying to resolve and solve that. And I think it's encouraging projects to adopt this certification. If it's not asked somebody else, demand it, command it, because if we command and demand it, it will be able to be available. it's, what is it? Better, faster, cheaper, right? But it's also secure. That's the thing. That's the main thing. It's like we want a better system, a faster system, but it should be secure. It should be easier and secure and that's the main thing that I think we want to drive that message home. It's like You know go through the process Encourage your projects are involved in to go and get certified with many of the process really simple Completing the application painfully going to the process getting vetted getting checked getting stamped pushing that out there Making sure the market that you're listening to or following is endorsing projects is legitimate Making sure the person you're dealing with is legitimate. Those things I think is really fundamental because it doesn't matter how many good ideas we've got and how many people are onboarding or the platforms we've got. Without this, we just don't have that transition. We're not showing the general public, the wider community, retailers as they say, that we're actually operating safe. We're just still operating hustling. Because if they poke their head in, even for a little peek, they're like, yeah, it's still happening. still nothing's changed you know and someone made a point that last night one of the speakers got one the attendants got up and asked questions he looked I mean this is 2019 I jumped out in 2019 and I've come back now into crypto and web3 and he said look nothing's really changed I haven't seen anything any any evolution and and that's gonna stop and so this is what we're seeking to wave the flag bang the drum and saying hey you know Adam Mazzocchetti (37:08.738) Your project needs to be QORRA certified. Your project needs to be Rug Group certified. Not for me, not for you, but for the rest of the community. For everybody, we need that. We need this endorsement to really drive the message home. So I encourage everybody to encourage their projects and even themselves to get involved in this space. To reach out and let us help you be safer in this space. Travis John (37:33.211) Yeah, 100%. Well said. And everyone visit corra .io. Adam Mazzocchetti (37:47.288) Q -Q -Q -Q -O -R -R -A? Travis John (37:49.199) Yeah, qorra .io. Sorry, I'll fix that. And follow your Twitter. I think, to your point, I think I was going to say something and I lost my train of thought, so I messed up your website. But the most important thing, I think, is, as you mentioned, better, faster, cheaper. Everybody's convinced of that for blockchain. But secure and safety. are really those two S words that I think that are still missing, as you mentioned, just like your example of someone being in 2019 and then popping in now or 2021 and popping in now. Really, if you look at the macro, it looks the same. But just like you and I are on X spaces and different things, there are small pockets of people doing the right thing. And there has been an evolution. And I know you agree and you know that, to the average person, they don't see that. They just see the timeline and the scams and the trickery and the casino that they just more or less see all the more of the same. But it takes each of us to put our best foot forward here and continue to make it safer, make it more secure for everybody. Adam Mazzocchetti (38:48.789) Mm. Mm. Adam Mazzocchetti (39:09.41) Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And it's a collective thing. It's like individually, we can do a little bit, but combined we're an army. And that's the fundamentals. Because at of the day, our objective is to weed out the scammers, the hustlers, and majority of them are just a collective community of their own, right? But seem like they're quite large and spread out. But if we band together and stamp out and command that sort know, protection and that certification and it's it is like better, faster, cheaper. Yes, but should be safe, easy and secure, you know, so they should work together and that's the main fundamental. So yeah, absolutely. We need to drive that, not just the message, we need to be action on that because when we're sending the message out to everybody else to say, wow, this space is actually really taking an effort because we're all about decentralization and community and all this particular we bang the drum on about it's peer to peer community, but all we're doing is just ripping each other off. Like we're community ripping each other off and it's not giving a comfort to the general population that we want to attract to expand. Okay, we're a two and a half trillion dollar market cap. Why aren't we a 200 trillion dollar market cap? Why aren't we? Because we've got this massive chasm shift. We've got the technology there. We've got the platform. We've got institutional money pouring in. ridiculous amounts of And I've said the panel last night, are majority all ex -bankers, know, now in DeFi, gone from TradeFi to DeFi. So the money's there, and so the resourcing's there. We're not talking about, you know, 17, 18 people talking about it, it's there. But we just don't have the community support to say it's actually legitimately true. So people banging on, because all you hear is the war stories, like, oh yeah, I got run, or I got that, and so... Let's solve that. Let's get rid of that problem. And as a community, we could do that. We can get rid of Travis John (41:06.521) Yeah, well said. And just to recap, mean, this is the protection for the digital age. I mean, that's what you're offering. And like you said, that's the missing component right now. The interest is greater than it ever has been in digital assets, and the momentum is unstoppable, as you know. So this has been a great conversation, Adam. I really appreciate it. And everyone visit QORRA. It's Q -O -R -R -A dot I -O. And check out their demo. up on what they're up to because they're beta and all of the new things they're doing. If you're a project and you're doing and you're involved in this space, really check this out, get in contact with the team, submit an application, find out how you can get involved in the movement and be part of the network. Adam Mazzocchetti (41:52.802) Yeah, I see. Travis John (41:54.693) Thanks again, we'll talk soon. Adam Mazzocchetti (41:56.428) Yeah, thanks a lot, Travis. Love having you the show. It's been amazing. Thank you very much. Travis John (42:00.987) Cheers.