Travis John (00:00.739) So welcome back to another episode of the RWA podcast, RWA Builders. Today we have a special guest. We have Kevin Yunai. He's with RWA Inc. He's a founder and CEO of RWA Inc. And they're building the world's largest end -to -end real world asset ecosystem. We're going to get into it. We're going to impact quite a bit. It's a major moonshot, including tokenization. They have a full launch pad, marketplace, and full support of both sides of the ecosystem for issuers and investors. And welcome, Kevin. Let's get into it. KEVIN YUNAI (00:31.168) Thank you so much. I'm super excited to be here and thank you so much for arranging this. So, yeah, we are, as you say, we are an ecosystem and we have built products. So we are not only a startup, we actually have a full operation going on today. We are tokenizing real world assets and we are onboarding a lot of clients. So we are definitely in the business and I'm super excited to go through all the... things from a practical point of view, because I know many listeners wants to know how is it to really tokenize assets in the real world? What about regulation? How are you guys doing all that? So these are some of the subjects we'll cover. And we, of course, will also cover the big launch of our token on a global scale. So that will also be covered, but not too much. But yeah. We will go into the depth of many interesting questions tonight. Travis John (01:35.235) Love it, love it. So, and you know, I guess just even to kick it off, and that was a great, great way to start it. So just, just your company name in general is, is a very bold, anchored, you know, it's, it's, you know, equivalent of I, I've enjoyed domain names and things, you know, over the years of a decade. So like just having the RWA Inc as your company, as your domain, you know, that's, that's a really a big deal, you know, just, it's a bold, you know, it's a bold footprint to kind of start off with. And I think, KEVIN YUNAI (01:44.672) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (02:03.584) It is. It is. Travis John (02:04.803) I'd love to hear, yeah, I'd love to hear about like kind of what, you know, just, just before we get into even, uh, like you said, hearing the word clients, hearing a real world practical applications. And, and I know it's, it, that's what we should be talking about. Cause this is, we're talking about RWA, but as you know, this is a very new technology and it's a very new, uh, deliverable, you know, out there. So I think I'm really excited to hear about these real world practical applications and you know, what you've set up already. So. KEVIN YUNAI (02:31.488) Yeah. Travis John (02:33.635) Before we do that too, I'd love to hear just kind of just a little bit of your background, like what got you into this and really launching it. KEVIN YUNAI (02:38.048) Sure. We'll come to the branding in a little bit, but let me start by saying that my name is Kevin Junai. I'm born in Denmark, a little country up north next to Sweden. And I've been doing tech actually since I was 18. I'm 49 now and started my first company when I was 18, sold it when I was 21. Then... build a new company that I have for 20 years doing speech recognition. So I never had a real job. You can say I've always been an entrepreneur and sold two companies already. So we are deeply in tech. We did speech recognition back in the days annotated long before AI, OpenAI was a known technology. We did. Travis John (03:18.947) Nice. KEVIN YUNAI (03:31.968) AI and annotated all the dictation from the hospitals and all that. So technology is not new to us. We know how to build great software. And that's also why it's so exciting to be building again after my last exit. So, so that's really a passion we have and I'm actually product owner. So that means that I still get to develop a lot of great features and products. Yeah. So, um, Travis John (04:00.323) I love that. KEVIN YUNAI (04:02.4) That's a little bit about me. We have a great team. We have a very professional board and also some very good advisors, some of the strongest actually in the space. So we're very fortunate to have those advisors and we really use them a lot on various questions because the Web3 sphere is different, very much different than Web2. So... Travis John (04:28.803) Yeah, very. Yeah. Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (04:32.352) So it's good to have experts on board and we learn every day. Travis John (04:36.643) Likewise. And I think what, what I, what I've found is just talking to builders like yourself is the RWA space. And I, you know, I'm not a young, young guy either. And I've been a serial entrepreneur and, you know, having real jobs, you know, is, is, is not common, you know, among me or any of my guests, you know, it's, you know, you create the opportunity. And I think what's interesting with RWA is you do find a lot of the builders in the RWA space are prior builders. Like they're not. KEVIN YUNAI (05:04.512) They are an Travis John (05:04.771) new to crypto, new to Web3, they're not the much younger generation. Not that that's good or bad. It's just that I found that there's an interesting connection of builders for RWA that have typical other building in the past, which is interesting. KEVIN YUNAI (05:09.696) We have some incredible builders out there, Undo Finance and all the biggest players. They are doing amazing. KEVIN YUNAI (05:20.864) Yeah, this is also an area I'm going to talk about because in this industry, you can actually work together with your competitors. And that's something we also plan to do because we have so much tokenized assets that we really need to work across companies to really get that liquidity. that we're also going to talk about today. Liquidity is everything when you do tokenized real estate and tokenized commodities, bonds, and so on. Company shares. So it's really, really important. You get your partnerships up and running. Travis John (05:49.315) Yeah. Travis John (05:55.715) Yeah. Travis John (06:01.315) Yeah, I think that's a perfect gateway. We're going right down the right path. So I think where we should take this conversation next, and I, because a lot of where I've seen success in endeavors I've worked with, and as you've probably have seen in your career, is partnerships are everything. You know, it's people and partnerships. You know, it's that real tangible items. So I'd love for you to kind of chat with me about, like, because I know you have four, I believe maybe more at this point, but four very significant partners and partnerships. This isn't even including your board. KEVIN YUNAI (06:21.184) Yeah. Travis John (06:30.499) but just advisors and partnerships I think are key. And then we can kind of talk about how that opens the door to liquidity from there. KEVIN YUNAI (06:36.224) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (06:52.01) seamlessly and automatic. Not that we don't want to speak with all our partners and we do, but we made this tool for massive scaling and we really want to build the strongest ecosystem both in Web2 and Web3 for both our investors and also our issuers. So with this new tool, we can see the roadmap for rapid growth also in the onboarding of strategic partners, strengthening our product and also our offering, marketing of course, because we're going to do a lot of joint marketing together. So I completely agree with what you say, partnership is... Travis John (07:30.435) Right. Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (07:36.696) key to success and we're fortunate to be partnering with a lot of blockchains. We're going to come with a lot of announcements on the strategic partnerships we have signed and will sign. So that's really interesting news. And also, yeah, in terms of marketing, we're going to come with some big marketing plans to present the community for sure. But let me go back and start where you wanted to start. Travis John (08:03.139) Nice. KEVIN YUNAI (08:06.264) Travis with the branding, because I think we pretty well nailed the narrative of RWA in our both our ticker results called RWA and with our company website called rwa .inc. And what we really want to try to do is to have real asset presented on our chain. And that is what we've been focusing on. So we're not just a token launch. We also fully, fully working on onboarding and tokenizing real world assets. And right now, the pipeline is $9 .3 billion worth. We have $5 .6 billion coming. So you can imagine there's a lot of real world assets wanting to be tokenized. What... That means is you of course also have to find the liquidity for those big amounts. And that's why we actually have a play of both being in the Web3, but also in the, we call it Web2 sphere with the real institutional investors and with the, you can say the old finance. That is what we're trying to bridge. And that's what just makes us really, really interesting. So. We see the blockchain as a settlement layer that makes it easy for everyone to invest into real world assets. So that's what we bring to the table by having the concept we have, but we also want to educate the older investors who are not specifically interested in Web2, sorry, in Web3 to actually onboard and really try out how easy it is to... to work with Web3, how easy it is to invest via a crypto instead of via banking transfer and so many other things. So this is really one of our, you can say missions is to educate and really make people understand how amazing this new technology is and how much better it is for both compliance and many other things. So... KEVIN YUNAI (10:29.72) So because we have the transparency, we have the open ledger, nothing is really hidden. You can't see who owns the wallet, but you can see the transactions are there. And that really means you can document towards your investors that, hey, see, we have traction. We have this amount of wallets. Things are moving forward. And the ecosystem is strong when we put it together. We have the central exchanges listing all the tokens. We have the launchpatch. helping to fund raise. And so that's a very strong community behind this. And that's why we can actually pull it off. So that was one of the points I wanted to say. And you all know that, of course, and this is a completely other talk, but we have the macroeconomic situation all over the world. There are wars, there are uncertainty. And we have an old financial system that is definitely documented not working. So in time, people will realize that we need to change fundamentally how we think about money and how we think about scarcity in our money supply and so on. Because we do not believe it's a very smart thing that you can just endlessly print money. And every time it's the... the poor that hurt, right? So inflation is a problem. And we think that the world is about to wake up and see the reality. Bitcoin is eating the world. We have to change. And our fiat money is becoming worthless year by year, more and more. So that's all the right reasons for really taking this seriously, what we say. Travis John (12:00.771) Right, yeah. Travis John (12:22.179) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (12:27.576) We said the same since 2019 to the pension funds and they didn't listen to us, but they should have because it's the best performing asset in the world. So enough about Bitcoin, but I just want to have people understand that these are some of the fundamentals that we base our operating upon these fundamentals. So, yeah. Travis John (12:41.763) Yeah. Travis John (12:51.587) Yeah. I agree. Amen. Amen. No, I think that was well said and very important to make a point of that because I think to your point, it's no secret that the asset appreciation, and I think this is where RWAs even make more of a significant, it's like a parlayed effect, mainly because asset appreciation is probably going to continue happening just because of the macro situation. KEVIN YUNAI (12:59.544) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (13:11.576) Yeah. Travis John (13:20.515) and the inflation aspect probably is not going to be tamed anytime soon. So the fractionalization, the tokenization of real world assets is actually going to be a hedge in some ways, like in kind of an off side of that is not how most people are not looking at it this way, I don't believe, but it does even add like an additional layer of hedging for this. KEVIN YUNAI (13:34.744) right? KEVIN YUNAI (13:45.112) It is a hedge and it's definitely something you need to be aware of. And when we look at the younger generation, because they are engaging with us, we're so impressed about how far they are in their digital transformation into web3. And it's good to see that the younger generation at least understand what it's all about. So... Travis John (14:05.603) Yeah, we are. KEVIN YUNAI (14:13.496) So that's a good news. And we take a pride in actually converting some of the very, very skeptic investors. And once they understand the Web3, they are there to stay. We can see that. So it is, and this is the message to everyone out there, instead of arguing with them, help them. help them install the wallet, show them a transaction. Sometimes that's all it takes and they're hooked. And that's really our message today as well. Travis John (14:44.227) Right. Travis John (14:48.195) Yeah. And I'll add to that one more thing. And I think that's how you and I connected about some of this is that, you know, that's the whole point of the RWA builders is number one is this ecosystem is not a walled garden. You know, all these RWA projects, for the most part, there's very little overlap of being able to work together. Cause as we know, like you said, the liquidity price crisis, anybody that thinks they can do all of this on their own. without any other partners or liquidity is sorely mistaken. So that's an important factor. And I think it's important that everyone sees that and it's good you pointed out. And I think to your point too, and the reason why this podcast exists is exactly your point is like embrace anybody that doesn't know yet or is not awake to the new world of financial, the new financial way of freedom, because this is ultimately where the future is going. KEVIN YUNAI (15:35.16) Yeah. Travis John (15:44.995) And the sooner that people are able to adopt and be able to plug in, the better they're gonna be, ultimately. KEVIN YUNAI (15:45.528) Yes. KEVIN YUNAI (15:51.864) 100%. And this is why, and we can see that from the performance on the real world assets, it is an asset class people are investing heavily into at the moment. So, RWA's are definitely here to stay and it's a very great way of owning various assets that you couldn't normally get your hands in on. So you can suddenly own a piece of a yard or a piece of a... real estate building that you love or some performing company shares or so on and so forth. So it's really democratizing assets and it's super exciting. Travis John (16:33.763) It really is. It really is. So even going on to that just more practical discussion of what we talk about with partners, like maybe just give me a couple little nuggets of some of your partners, what vertical they're in, like some of that commitment that you're getting from a few of these partners and what that means for you guys. KEVIN YUNAI (16:41.336) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (16:52.472) Sure. Yeah. So Hacken is a great example of an audit partner for our smart contract audits and other areas of audit that they solve for us, for all our clients and have just been phenomenal in helping us with our own test and audit. So we are very focused on compliance, extremely focused on compliance and also in audit. Because we think that's the fundamentals. If you want to succeed as a crypto today, you have to work with the regulators. You have to be compliant. You have to have your policies in place. You have to follow the rule books and comply with the requirements because the governors are not evil people. They're basically there to protect the people, right? So they're there to protect the investors from losing their money. So you have to be very, very respectful about that and really do that extra check and have your procedures in place so you catch any risk and be honest about the risk. Many crypto projects, they just pitch, right? They don't have the disclaimers and they don't do the risk assessment and say what can go wrong in the whole thing. So... Travis John (18:17.315) Right. KEVIN YUNAI (18:17.976) So we are very, very keen on really describing all the risk factors and asking people also to do their own due diligence and so on and so forth. So that's really where, and we're very transparent also in everything we do. So we think that's probably one of the reasons why we are very successful today. And yeah. Travis John (18:29.347) Yeah. Travis John (18:43.235) And you're licensed, you know, speaking of that, like all of this, all of your licensing is based out of the UAE, correct? And then you have multiple licenses, real estate, you have commodities, you also have Veblen goods, you have private equity and you also have DePin, right? I think all five of those, okay. KEVIN YUNAI (18:50.136) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (19:00.376) Yeah. We have very strong partners in Dubai and we have very big business here in Dubai and we are very, very happy to operate out of Dubai and BVI. So we have a company set up also in BVI. But what we really like about this region is both how you can say focused they are also on their own. Travis John (19:19.203) Okay. KEVIN YUNAI (19:33.112) regulation around crypto and they're really pushing forward and really have some great programs and initiatives. And that's why we keep adding more and more licenses and applying for more and more licenses to be fully, fully VASP and fully unrolled as a crypto here, because we really believe that we are going to change how to buy and Abu Dhabi and other... Travis John (19:53.219) Right. KEVIN YUNAI (20:01.688) regions how their real world assets will be traded in the future. So we are trying very hard to do a very big impact on the economy here. So that's really something very dear to us. Travis John (20:13.027) Yeah. Yeah. And, and I commend you guys for that. I mean, obviously like just like we were talking about with having like a, the RWA Inc. Uh, domain name, you know, just that's like, that's a significant asset, you know, a powerful asset, but like it's the same kind of concept when it comes to licenses, it's like the gold rush, you know, like this is this very similar scenario is the UAE has been like you mentioned, like the UK or, you know, European countries in general. KEVIN YUNAI (20:19.64) Yeah. Travis John (20:43.011) combined with the more so even Dubai at this point, UAE, I'm in the United States, so I can obviously look at this at a very different perspective, a lot of the compliance, you can't even figure out through all the smokes and mirrors, you don't really know what you can even do to be compliant, unfortunately, but a lot of other countries and other areas are doing the right thing. Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (20:48.12) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (21:02.2) No, it's f - KEVIN YUNAI (21:06.744) Yeah. But there is as a crypto a lot you can do yourself to prepare for this. And by really doing all possible things you can and KYCing all your clients, keeping track of all the transactions, making your audit reports and your annual reports and really just do your home work. It takes you far. It really does. And, um, Travis John (21:12.611) Right. KEVIN YUNAI (21:32.344) And regulators are catching up, they're becoming more effective and they have their policies in place also. So I think we will see much bigger cooperation in the future between the regulators and the crypto industry. And this is where we want it to be in the first place. So I'm glad to see that it's playing out all over the world, actually. Yes, you'll have. Travis John (21:52.035) Yeah, I agree. KEVIN YUNAI (21:55.224) for some rules about now you have to disclose your wallets and so on. But we also have to understand that we actually up against terrorists who use the blockchains for transferring funds and so on. So we need to cooperate here. And that's really why I state that it's so important to follow the regulators requirements. And moreover, Travis John (22:12.643) Yeah. Travis John (22:22.467) it. KEVIN YUNAI (22:23.576) It's a good thing and the bank should do the same, right? Yeah, the traditional banks. Travis John (22:28.099) Yeah, and obviously on both ends, it's extreme use in the terrorist side, then it's also extreme over -regulation, can also be a problem as we know. But I think the RWA space, and I think we've all seen the Larry Fink clip from BlackRock talking about... KEVIN YUNAI (22:34.36) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (22:39.224) I do apologize for the audience if it lacks a little bit here. Travis John (22:47.107) the future of tokenization. And that's overplayed, but I think it's always worth noting how impactful that is. And I think it does break down some of the barriers. I mean, you do have old school, I've been in crypto four years. I'm not an OG by any means, but I definitely have a pretty significant background with crypto. But When you look at this, there definitely are a lot of people from the beginning stages of crypto that would say, I don't want to KYC. I'm not going to KYC. I'm not going to KYC. So I think addressing that is important that you brought that up. But I think... There's also other reasons, as you know, because you're talking about real assets. You're talking about vehicles. You're talking about real estate, talking about commercial, you're talking about land, talking about yachts. These things are already regulated. So there's naturally going to be a KYC process to be able to participate in this event. KEVIN YUNAI (23:40.888) That's great. KEVIN YUNAI (23:44.696) That's correct. And yeah, I mean, the DEX talk is a completely other talk and that will be probably more regulation on those, I could imagine. But so far they have stand their ground and you can see that when you compare the CEXs and the DEX, they take between 6 % to 13 % of each tokens trade, right? Travis John (24:14.659) Right, yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (24:14.68) If you have all the central exchange listings and you then have a couple of decks, they take some pretty big numbers. So they're definitely winning the game also and taking from the sex market shares for sure. Not in the amount I would have expected actually, I would have expected it to be bigger. So the sexes are doing a good job too. But... Travis John (24:34.435) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (24:44.408) But yeah, that fight will go on and we don't know where it ends. Travis John (24:49.283) No. Well, I think where it's going to collide is that if you want to own the RWA token, obviously there's going to be a way to get it through a DEX. So if you want to be completely a non and you want to benefit in the upside of RWA Inc, ultimately you could own the token. That's not going to be a difficult scenario because ultimately the tokens will be purchasable. by people on the open market at some point. And I know we'll get into that investor side of things as well, but to participate in a RWA event where you're going to buy a tokenized piece of real estate, that's where you're gonna have to decide, do I want a KYC or not? That's ultimately where that's gonna be. Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (25:40.568) Yeah, and we think it's a good idea and it's also documentation towards your own tax game. So we think it's a smart thing to do. Always follow the rules and take your profit, pay your taxes and get on with it. There's a lot of money to be made here. So... Travis John (26:08.195) I agree. KEVIN YUNAI (26:08.792) also Uncle Sam, so yeah. Travis John (26:10.947) Exactly. The upside still, in my opinion, outweighs the giving up a little privacy, so to speak, or like you said, paying your taxes and things that are kind of part of what everyone's doing and should be doing to a reasonable extent, clearly. So that's a good point. KEVIN YUNAI (26:29.048) Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah. So I also wanted to speak a little bit about the issuers because many ask us what is going on with the issuers? How are they? What are they thinking? And they're clearly very different mindsets than the Web3 three space represents. They are very much like old school. Travis John (26:52.099) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (27:00.92) straight to the point. And you have to understand people with assets of 500 million, $1 billion, $5 billion, they have the assets. So when they go into the Web3 space, they are actually revolutionizing the industry. Because in the old days, there were not that many tokens backed by so big amounts, right? So it really creates a new form of trust and a new form of security for the Web3 industry. And as you know, now we have government bonds and all kinds of other tokenized products. So it creates a new situation and we know from the issuers that they're very like, we come with the asset, you have to do the rest of the work. So what we see, which is amazing, Travis John (27:28.547) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (27:57.56) Is that they actually JV with us. So new companies are created where we then own 10, 15 % of those joint ventures. And we actually doing the tokens together. So instead of us having this client supplier relationship, we suddenly became partners. And that's really one of the trends I think is, is really amazing to see. So we become one with our clients and that's a very interesting thing. So we work together on the compliance, we've worked together on the formations of the company, on the Barra registrations and other registrations. So it's really an interesting process and something I'm personally super, super excited to be doing. I learn a lot myself every day. So that's one thing and... Travis John (28:49.571) Yeah, I bet. KEVIN YUNAI (28:57.304) Then some people say there is no liquidity and it will never be a success with real world assets on the blockchain. But here we can just see that from our own raise, where we just raised, and that was over 5 million committed. And we can only, we only take a fraction of that. So 1 .875 has now been committed and... So we can see that there's a lot more capital than we need for the different phases, at least for our token. So it's very bullish out there and we're not in one second doubting that we can fulfill the market with billions in tokenized assets. Travis John (29:47.363) Right. Yeah, I think the, going back to what I was saying with BlackRock entering into space and just a lot of liquidity entering the space, the problem was exactly that as we know, and it still is a problem and it's still something that needs to be addressed, but the liquidity crisis is definitely not stopping companies from getting started. Because as you know, like for... KEVIN YUNAI (30:02.68) Yeah. Travis John (30:11.587) Up until recently, most of the RWA projects just didn't really ever take off because liquidity, it was just right off the bat. Like once you're kind of mapping out your strategy and you're reaching out to potential partners or you're trying to get liquidity, you realize there's no money. So that's changed dramatically in the past 12 months, even less really. So yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (30:24.088) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (30:31.256) dramatically. And it's due to many factors, but of course, Bitcoin and the whole halving and all those things, of course, also a factor for what we see right now. It was a hard winter too. We built during the winter. So we are happy. We just kept building, building, building. Many, many gave up at that point. We never did. So we're happy, we took those hours and took those long winters. So yeah, now we can, and our investors can take the, you can say the profit of that work, right? Travis John (31:05.699) Yeah. Travis John (31:15.107) Yeah, and. You're right. You're right. I mean, I know from being around the bear market, I mean, building in the bear market is scary and it was a very long one. And, you know, getting, you know, if you didn't put in the work then, you're not going to see the rewards right now. You know, like the rewards that the companies are seeing right now are because of six months ago. KEVIN YUNAI (31:27.768) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (31:35.416) And really another interesting thing we see is more and more women getting interested in RWA industry. So we have quite some interest from women in the space now. And it's great to see that we start hiring a lot more females. We have our own equality KPI that we want to be 50 -50 overall. So it's great to see that more and more women are actually interested in. in joining the space. Yeah. Travis John (32:07.651) I love that. Yeah, that's good to hear. I mean, it's sorely needed, like you said, and I think, I do think it's a lot more, because it does tie into a lot more tangible understanding of how these things connect. I think it is, it's more logical that more people are going to start wanting to get into it, including women, obviously. Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (32:23.736) Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's a good movement. It's good to see also a lot of women becoming investors in general and really focusing on their own portfolios now. And it's good to see. Travis John (32:30.979) I love it. Travis John (32:43.843) I've been teaching my daughters that blockchain is the way. Web3 is the answer. KEVIN YUNAI (32:49.208) Me too. I have a wonderful 12 year old daughter and she's really educated now in everything that he does. So yeah, that's great. Travis John (32:57.507) Yeah, love that. Yeah, same here. So getting into, we just talked about a little bit of the issuers. I know from your issuer side, you've got basically an asset manager for trading, one for properties. You've got a few different specific ones in Dubai, like a holding companies, I believe, right? Almost, what is it, 9.3B .3 is, I don't know if I have the up -to -date number, but total issuers. KEVIN YUNAI (33:28.536) Yeah, 9 .3 billion with 5 .6 more in closing. And we really could get a lot more. We have actually hold back on the... Travis John (33:34.851) Nice, okay. That's significant. That's significant. Kudos for that. That's amazing. What about with... Keep going. Sorry. KEVIN YUNAI (33:43.544) on our issuers because... Yeah, our pipeline is growing now, but we also increasing on the staff and the partners. So we can take more, but we could have many, many more tokens if we wanted to. But for now we focus on what we have. Travis John (34:07.299) Yeah. So I know we've talked a lot about like the buildup to this, the opportunity, some of the partners and the issuers now like from, and we, we, we touched on the token, but like, you know, from, from people watching this on YouTube or people picking this up on Spotify and listening to it, you know, kind of, uh, we've talked about the opportunities, you know, just getting into this, even if you're new, but what does this look like for investors? Like, you know, how do you see this opportunity? Like, Where is it right now? Like I knew you've done some raises. So I'll let you kind of explain a little bit about what's going on with your token and kind of like where it started and some timelines, please. KEVIN YUNAI (34:42.584) Yeah, I mean, soon there will be an IDO on various launch patch. We just got the last confirmation today and we will soon be announcing the best launch patch you can dream of will list us. And we expect to be fully sold out in seconds on those launches. But then we will list on some exchanges. We cannot say which ones yet. Travis John (35:05.187) Nice. KEVIN YUNAI (35:11.64) But that puzzle is being played right now and we are very close to being able to announce some news. And then we will be launched one day and it will be trading. But really, and this is what many people misunderstand because they're so focused on the token itself and it's also a very big project to launch a token, but really also... We are a real company. We are focusing on the clients. We're focusing on building the organization. We're focusing on how can we scale X thousand now on all KPIs. How do we build a global organization? How do we stream our partners? How do we create the best working place for many to join? And all these things I'm play and that's really what I think is the essence of what we do that we do both. We're not just a token without any product or any. Travis John (36:04.515) All right. KEVIN YUNAI (36:07.032) client behind us just launching, we are actually a real company launching a token. So, that's important to say. We have some huge, great products coming out and so many things, so many exciting things happening. Yeah. Travis John (36:24.771) Nice. Yeah, I know you can't share everything right now, but I think that was a great teaser of what you have coming. I think from, to your point, I think a lot of projects are token first, build later. You guys have a real tangible company that you already have a significant amount of inflow, significant amount of deal flow and company foundational things set up. KEVIN YUNAI (36:32.184) Yeah. Travis John (36:54.659) and obviously five different licenses that you've worked for. So those are certainly to be commended. I think from the token side, yeah, absolutely. On the token side, just for just some overall, like, where do you, like, is your token, I've read a little bit about this, but just explain governance aspect of it. Like, what all can people do? Like, they can obviously, KEVIN YUNAI (37:00.6) Yes. Indeed and mobile phone. Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (37:10.328) Yes. KEVIN YUNAI (37:21.272) Yeah. So we, we are listening very closely to the community. We always have and we always will. Yeah. So, uh, that's definitely going to be something that you will be able to do. I can also reveal that we are kind of come with some gamification and some other interesting designs on, on, on the post -launch activities. So that's going to be a lot of different things happening for the community. Once we have launched. Travis John (37:22.851) transfer into the $RWA token from Fiat, they can transfer out of it. KEVIN YUNAI (37:51.384) We will also bring staking and all kinds of other exciting tools. So all that you can expect just after we launch. But I really want to emphasize our utility of the token because we have a big burn mechanism that is actually burning tokens every time we make money in operations. And that way we create a massive, you can say, Travis John (38:02.595) Nice. KEVIN YUNAI (38:19.768) flow in the token and from those revenues we will then buy up of course, we'll burn and that really creates traffic you can say which is good for a token. So that ecosystem has been built now and it's very smart the way we have designed it so we think it will work after launch and that the token will be sustainable. which is so important because we are an ecosystem. Like we are going to deploy a lot of tokens for clients. And that's really what we have seen when we've looked across the different tokens that the ones that survive are the ones with an ecosystem that really creates value. So yeah, that's, that's our argument. Travis John (39:15.715) Nice. And do you see yourself parent, you see like future projects pairing with the RWA token? Like, you know, other clients may be launching tokens and then pairing it with $RWA, not pairing it with... Yeah. Okay. KEVIN YUNAI (39:25.528) Oh, I see a lot of various scenarios and you know, this is when you, when you go to market, it always evolves and we started, you know, also with one big idea and now we have already several big ideas. So this is innovation and that's what's beautiful about being an entrepreneur that. You always develop, you always perfect your product, you always perfect your organization. So it's super exciting. But yeah, we're going to bring a lot of strategic partnerships and we're going to, you could say, present a lot of product news as well. Yeah. Travis John (39:59.203) Yeah. Travis John (40:11.075) Nice. So a couple more thought -provoking things. So in any of the verticals, I know it's nuanced, but for the RWA verticals you're dealing with, because you are taking a big swath of a lot of that market of opportunity, where do you see the biggest opportunity right now from a vertical with an RWA? KEVIN YUNAI (40:14.296) Sure. Sure. KEVIN YUNAI (40:33.976) Yeah, so we see commodities booming, tokenized commodities. We see those booming. We get so many requests. And it's because many of the commodity holders issuers, they see that if they can back a token with their asset, it really creates something extra. And they see a new way of selling their assets, you can say. So that is really interesting. Also real estate, but it has been for a while in high demand. And thirdly, still the company shares are in high demand too, but many choose utility tokens now and choose other ways of rewarding the investors through staking programs and other things. So that's also a trend we see. And... But yeah, that's the three main. Then we have the web includes. We see also yards and other assets, also distressed assets actually being asked for tokenization. And that's a big play there as well. Travis John (41:50.499) Yeah. I'm curious though, like from distress, because I mean, I've spent time with distressed assets. What's your, like just what's the angle there? Because like it's logically that doesn't like make a lot of sense, right? Like, I mean, in general it does, but I'm saying like, why is there a bigger, why is there kind of an interesting demand there? KEVIN YUNAI (41:57.496) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (42:08.056) We - Yeah, I mean, we actually said no to a couple of distressed projects because we don't want to go into those for various reasons. But we can see that some assets can be saved by actually tokenizing. But we also have at all times to protect the investors. And that's why it might be a difficult play because you have always the investor interest you have to protect and distressed assets. Travis John (42:20.099) Right. KEVIN YUNAI (42:40.568) might be, especially if it's company assets, the risk is simply too high sometimes for it not to work in the last place. So, but I just noticed we have a lot of distressed assets and that's maybe because the, I mean, requests, and that's maybe because the old financial system is failed, right? Travis John (42:49.219) Yeah. Travis John (43:05.379) Failed them, yeah. Yeah, right. Well, and you look at that like from, I mean, commercial real estate is a good example, like in the United States, of course, like, you know, with COVID, you know, a lot of people leave the offices, you know, commercial, you know, commercial leasing or in commercial paper is obviously, you know, like on a five or seven year term, it's not on the 30 year term. So, you know, you have people that are ballooning out. KEVIN YUNAI (43:09.368) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (43:28.952) Yeah. Travis John (43:33.091) that are in a higher interest rate inflationary environment. You have a headwind of low occupancy at certain districts. I mean, obviously some commercial buildings are thriving, but not all. So I could see that being, like you said, sometimes you can't save them because no matter what you try to architect, it still doesn't work. But I could see where your point is fractionalizing or tokenizing in some capacity might save some of these deals. They might make them attractive. depending on, like you said, they can still be messy, it sounds, I'm sure, but that is interesting, you're getting that request. That's why I just wanted to dig into that for a second. KEVIN YUNAI (44:13.624) No, but I mean, finance is an important issue. And when you speak inflation and you see the damage that that has done to society in general, I mean, we have people who cannot afford to eat and they cannot pay their rent, they're homeless. So it's a problem and there's no real solution to the problem right now. And Travis John (44:33.443) Right. KEVIN YUNAI (44:40.312) We hope of course in time that we can do CRS systems that we become so big that we can solve some of the world's problems. But that's in a very successful launch and a very big X that we can think these thoughts, right? But this is of course something we dream of. We're much more than just here to make money. We also wanna... change the world in different ways. So we have CSR programs on the drawing board, but it will come much after the launch, hopefully a successful launch. Travis John (45:19.075) Okay, nice. Yeah, that's great. I mean, I love just the amount of empathy and the amount of passion that you bring to the project and to the space. Like you said, it comes across really clearly. Your mission is much bigger than a token sale, like you said. So I mean, that's, yeah. I mean... KEVIN YUNAI (45:39.032) Indeed, indeed. And we are thinking globally, we want to build a global brand. We think big, sometimes maybe too big, but we are getting there and things tend to be as you think them, if you think about it. And this is also what we tell all the entrepreneurs out there, please go and do it. If you have a dream and you really feel passionate about it, just do it. Travis John (45:48.803) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (46:08.184) Quit your job, sleep on your mom's couch, do whatever it takes, you know, just go out there and do it. And the first three, four years people will shake their head and tell you crazy, but you'll get there and that's a great feeling when you actually are there. Travis John (46:25.763) It is, yeah. Like you said, whether you're an entrepreneur, I mean, as we know, we all have different DNA, not everyone's an entrepreneur, but I think, but yeah, right. But to your point is like between AI disrupting jobs and financial systems that are breaking, KEVIN YUNAI (46:33.016) True. And this is also important. And that's no shame in that. Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (46:45.176) Sorry, that was a little fallout there. I'm sorry, Travis. That was a little fallout. I apologize. Travis John (46:49.411) No, we're good. It spun back up. We're good. I can hear you. KEVIN YUNAI (46:54.296) Okay, okay, so you Travis John (46:56.035) Yeah, the, yeah, I was just saying between the financial system breaking and AI, you know, affecting jobs, you know, future jobs and employment. I think ultimately finding places, like you said, like you're, you're hiring people, you know, finding a career path that is a path that's going to be here for the long run. You know, there are a lot of jobs that won't be here, you know, in the next 10 years, for sure. KEVIN YUNAI (47:24.568) This is another interesting area you bring up here, Travis. And really the disruption and the transformation here is incredible, right? And you see AI with its video tools and all what's happening now, truly stunning when you think about it, but also very, very, at least transforming and... You really have to be sharp nowadays to stay on board and really educate yourself in these new technologies and tools because otherwise it's going to be left out. So it's... Travis John (48:04.803) Yeah. And the universities are not, universities are not the answer either anymore, you know, for the most part. So, you know, you have to take it upon yourself. Um, you know, like I've been a big advocate of that, whether it's, you know, being your own health advocate for your own health or wellness to being your own career advocate. Like you can't rely on the system. You can't rely on the school system. You can't rely on the university system to, uh, to, to prepare you for the future. You have to go out there and grab it. KEVIN YUNAI (48:13.816) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (48:27.96) No. Travis John (48:33.891) You know, so, no, that's well said. I agree. KEVIN YUNAI (48:35.736) That's true. Yeah. Yeah. Travis John (48:41.507) So let's jump into just a couple of other things. I mean, you may wanna mention a few things. I know you have, people always wanna hear like when marketing, and like roadmap stuff. So why don't we, as we're closing things out here in the next 10 minutes, maybe talk about, I know you mentioned you have a slick tool that's onboarding people. You're obviously focusing on onboarding employees and people that support your ecosystem's growth. KEVIN YUNAI (48:57.656) Yes. KEVIN YUNAI (49:05.592) Yeah, no, we have lots to tell about marketing. Travis John (49:11.171) But just KOLs and some of the support stuff and things, maybe chat about that and just some of the roadmap, some of the things you might want to point out. KEVIN YUNAI (49:15.992) Yeah, of course, of course. So, so we are onboarding a lot of very important web three ambassadors, you can say, calls, influencers, so on. So that's going to be a lot of talk about us in the near future. Also, as we are onboarding all the strategic partners and doing co -campaigns with them to announce our partnership and other things. We will see a massive push there. And I'll be personally going to all the different events and so 2049 to 49 and all the events in the web three space around the world to also meet people. Because one thing is to, to post something on Telegram, but people also sometimes just need to, you know, speak and meet the team and just, you know, have a beer or whatever. So, um, so that's what we do. We're going to do. And, uh, also podcasts like this, where we can really speak about the industry and, you know, macroeconomic and product. And it's just great. I love it. Travis John (50:31.747) I can tell. And yeah, to your point, I mean, you're being humble about it, but I mean, you're a speaker at the World Token Summit coming up. KEVIN YUNAI (50:33.336) Yeah. Yeah. So, so marketing is a big thing. We hope to see exponential growth in our channels and please go follow us. I mean, please go follow us on our Telegram group. Just go to rwa .inc, rwa .inc, and then you have all the social media channels there. You can go follow and... We promise you it's worth it. Travis John (51:05.699) Likewise. No, this has been good. I will say too, I don't know if you caught that. I was just saying, you'll be speaking at a few events coming up. So both at Polytrade in Dubai and also at the World Token Summit 3, you're gonna be one of the featured speakers as well, which, you know, that's quite a large attended conference in June also in Dubai. So that's a big deal. And I'll be... KEVIN YUNAI (51:18.36) Correct. Correct. KEVIN YUNAI (51:25.08) That's correct. KEVIN YUNAI (51:33.72) Definitely. And also we want to support your platform and if we can bring good partners and good interviews to you, we will definitely do that. We think it's a great initiative and we fully support this podcast. You can always invite us again if you want, maybe speak with some of our... Yeah, different area people like if you want to speak about product or operations or whatever, we have my partner Mike Storm, great guy. You love him or yeah, any other area you want to cover, we always there to support. Travis John (52:17.571) Thank you, that means a lot. I mean, I'm definitely gonna have you back and yeah, maybe we'll have Mike on the show or some of the other team members on the show. Like you said, you guys are building a true project. So hats off to you guys for that and look forward to following your progress. What we'll do next and also just as part of this podcast, this is gonna be on RWA Builders to rwa .builders as a website. KEVIN YUNAI (52:24.888) Yeah. KEVIN YUNAI (52:33.144) Thank you guys. Thank you all. Travis John (52:45.123) And also as part of this on YouTube and our website, all of the PDF, the roadmap, all of the things for RWA Inc. will be there. We'll add some additional context. So we'll make sure to get the word out and we'll be supporting this ongoing as you mentioned. So I think it's important to follow your success and... KEVIN YUNAI (52:55.256) Yes. KEVIN YUNAI (53:04.92) Fantastic. And we will of course be sharing this video with our community and looking forward to speaking again soon. Travis John (53:13.027) Yeah, likewise. Thanks, Kevin. It's been a pleasure. All right. Cheers. Take care. Thank you. Bye now. KEVIN YUNAI (53:15.096) Okay, thank you so much everyone for listening. Bye.