
Bill Lee, CTO and co-founder of Dual Mint, discusses how the company is pioneering the ownership economy by leveraging blockchain technology to create a dual provenance system, ensuring both on-chain and off-chain authenticity. He shares the journey of Dual Mint, which began with a focus on collectibles like rare whiskey and watches but has since expanded to include both tangible and intangible real-world assets. Bill highlights several innovative projects, including the tokenization of solar panels for sustainable energy and replacing outdated washing machines in universities with energy-efficient models. He emphasizes the importance of building a robust ecosystem of partners, aligning incentives, and crafting compelling stories to drive growth and attract investment. Additionally, Bill addresses the decision to move away from the term “NFT” in favor of “real-world asset tokens” to better reflect the technology’s evolution.


  • Dual Provenance: Dual Mint is pioneering the ownership economy with a dual provenance system that connects on-chain and off-chain authenticity, redefining how real-world assets are managed and traded.

  • Expansion from Collectibles: The company started with a focus on collectibles but has evolved to include both tangible assets like solar panels and intangible assets like intellectual property rights.

  • Innovative Projects: Key projects include tokenizing solar panels for sustainable energy and introducing energy-efficient washing machines in universities, which provide a 25% annual yield to token holders.

  • Ecosystem Building: Bill underscores the importance of partnering with experts in logistics, anti-counterfeiting, and legal frameworks to create a comprehensive ecosystem that supports real-world asset tokenization.

  • Rebranding NFTs: Dual Mint is moving away from the term “NFT” and adopting “real-world asset tokens” to better represent the integration of blockchain with tangible assets.


00:00 Introduction to Dual Mint and the Ownership Economy
01:59 Bill Lee’s Background and Journey to Dual Mint
03:09 The Concept of Dual Provenance and Real-World Asset Tokenization
07:34 Expanding the Scope: Tangible and Intangible Real-World Assets
09:38 The Power of Partnerships in Real-World Asset Tokenization
12:00 Projects at Dual Mint: Tokenizing Solar Panels, Washing Machines, and Wine
18:03 Attracting Interesting Projects and Brands to Dual Mint
21:45 Reframing NFTs as Real-World Asset Tokens
25:34 The Importance of Aligning Incentives and Yield in Web3
29:26 Wrapping Up and Future Conversations with Dual Mint




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